Member Benefits
Display on your car or home as show of support for FGP.
Join Board of Trustees for a member’s only meeting each fall.
Members will have early access to ticketed FGP Social & Special Events.
How can you help?
Lend a Hand!
Throughout the spring, summer, and fall FGP organizes volunteer work days on Saturdays from 9am to 12noon. Work days are a great way to spend a few hours outside, meet some new friends and neighbors, and help beautify Columbus’ oldest and favorite public park. We’ll also have opportunities during events including ComFest!
Join a Committee!
The Friends of Goodale Park Board of Trustees is a volunteer organization that acts as stewards of Goodale Park in cooperation with CRPD. FGP welcomes those interested in joining our Events, Communication, Operations, and/or Development committees. We also welcome those interested in serving as FGP Trustees for 3-year terms.
Support our Efforts!
Throughout the year, FGP offers a range of sponsorship opportunities for local residents, groups, and businesses. We rely on sponsors for the majority of our programs from supporting summer Walks & Talks to providing SWAG for our volunteers.